Rental rates as of January 1, 2022 all rates subject to change


Type of EquipmentHalf Day CostDaily CostDepositNotes
Wacker Skid Steer SW16$260$400$400includes tooth or straight bucket
Mustang Skid Steer Tire Unit$225$375$375
Toro Dingo Sub Compact Skid Steer$150$250$250includes one attachment, $50 for additional attachment
John Deere Backhoe$185$300$300
Mustang 250 Excavator$225$375$375
Skid Steer Attachments $150$150$1501 with skid steer, grapple, rock, auger, spike, forks, $150 by self
Mustang 170 Mini Excavator$185$300$300
3 Pt. Box Blade$75$75$100
3 Pt. Landscape Rake$55$55$100
John Deere Track SS$375$575$575one bucket
Grapple Brush Bucket$150$150$75$75 with skid steer rental
Skid Steer Rock Bucket $100$100$50$45 with skid steer rental
Hydraulic Skid Steer Auger, 3 bits$150$150$75rent 1 with 1 bit, $35 additional bit - 10, 12, 24
Set Skid ST Forks$100$100$75$45 with skid steer rental
Bale Spike$100$100$50$35 with skid steer rental
Pull Behind Hydraulic Auger$65$65$50one man, tow behind car
Bretta Trencher$85$150$10012 inch deep
2-man Auger and bits$45$45$50rent includes 1 bit
Plate Compactors$55$55$100